About LHL Stroke
LHL Hjerneslag (The National Association for Heart and Lung Diseases – Stroke, abbreviated as LHL Stroke in this text) is an organisation that serves stroke survivors, persons with acquired brain injuries, and their respective family members, and offers information, advice, and activities.
In addition to information about stroke and tips about how to master everyday life after a stroke (which you will find in this booklet), we have more information about stroke and stroke survivors on our webpage www.lhl-hjerneslag.no, in our newsletter “SlagNytt” (Stroke news), and on social media.
See our online magazine: Living with stroke
Stroke survivors and family members are welcome to seek advice from our peer representatives, elected officers, and employees. Members are offered advice and follow-up services from our patient ombudsman.
The LHL Stroke central office organises courses and conferences. Many of LHL’s local chapters also have social meeting places where it is possible to share experiences, have conversation groups, meet peers, hold meetings on specific themes, engage in physical activity, and meet socially.
LHL serves persons affected by stroke, persons with acquired brain injuries, and their family members regardless of age. We also have dedicated networks for young people: LHL Hjerneslag Ung (LHL Stroke – Young People) (approx. 18-55+ years) and LHL Hjerneslag Barn (LHL Stroke – Children) (for persons affected by stroke under 18 and their family members).
LHL Stroke is part of LHL, which is a member-based, non-profit and comprehensive health organisation. LHL offers treatment and health services based on patients’ medical and human needs.
If you wish to become a member of LHL Stroke (LHL), you can sign up on www.lhl.no/lhl-stroke/bli-medlem (only in norwegian) or telephone us on 22 79 90 00.