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Det er nå det gjelder- det Globale fondet for bekjempelse av aids, tuberkulose og malaria har påfyllingskonferanse og vi trenger at Norge bidrar. Etter konsekvensene av koronapandemien har Det globale fondet har behov for minst 18 milliarder USD - en 30 % økning. Et fullfinansiert fond kan bidra til å redde 20 millioner liv mellom 2024 og 2026. LHL Internasjonal, Helseutvalget og HivNorge har, sammen med over 230 internasjonale organisasjoner, skrevet under en oppfordring til norske myndigheter to step up the fight!

Kjære Utviklingsminister Anne Beathe Tvinnereim

Den globale kampen mot aids, tuberkulose og malaria står i dag ved et vendepunkt. Verden har gjort store fremskritt i nå målet om å ende de tre sykdommene innen 2030, men på grunn av Covid-19 pandemien har alt snudd. Nå i sluttspurten av budsjettforhandlingene, og i tråd med Hurdalsplattformen, ber vi derfor Utviklingsministeren om å prioritere bekjempelse av smittsomme sykdommer.

I løpet av de tjue årene siden det Globale fondet for å bekjempe aids, tuberkulose og malaria ble opprettet i 2002, har deres programmer reddet over 44 millioner liv. Dette ville ikke vært mulig uten engasjement fra givere som Norge, som har bidratt med over to milliarder kroner over de siste tre årene.

Men nå må vi øke innsatsen.  Pandemiens herjinger har gjort at vi for første gang på mange tiår ser at testing, behandling og forebygging for HIV har gått ned, og dødsfall fra tuberkulose og malaria har økt.

“In the face of the catastrophic impact of COVID-19 on the fight against HIV, TB and malaria, the choice is stark: We either increase funding, or we abandon hope of finally defeating these epidemics by 2030”

 Peter Sands, direktør for Det globale fondet

For å kunne takle disse tilbakeslagene, har Det globale fondet behov for minst 18 milliarder USD i 2023-2025, en 30 % økning fra siste påfyllingskonferanse i 2019. President Biden har allerede gjort det klart at USA vil dra sin del av lasset, og kan bidra med tredjedel av de totale bidragene. Dette løftet på 6 milliarder dollar er et tydelig signal til andre givere om at de også må øke støtten, for å dra full nytte av USAs forpliktelse. Dette er en oppfordring vi håper at Norge, som en av verdens ledende land innen global helse, følger opp.

Vi ber derfor om at Norge øker sitt bidrag til den helt nødvendige bekjempelsen av aids, tuberkulose og malaria, og støtter Det globale fondet med minst NOK 2 605 000 000 over de neste tre årene.

Dette vil bidra til følgende:

  • Redde 20 millioner liv mellom 2024 og 2026
  • Redusere dødsfallene for de tre sykdommene til 950 000 i 2026, ned fra 2,4 millioner i 2020.
  • Avverge mer enn 450 millioner nye infeksjoner
  • Katalysere innenlandske investeringer på opptil 59 milliarder dollar gjennom medfinansieringskrav og teknisk bistand til helsefinansiering.
  • Redusere ulikheter i helsetjenester ved å adressere barrierer relatert til kjønn og menneskerettigheter.
  • Styrke systemer for helse- og pandemiberedskap for å forebygge og reagere på fremtidige pandemier.

Det globale fondet prioriterer land med lav inntekt og høy sykdomsbyrde, og er spesielt oppmerksomme på sårbare grupper og deres rett til helse, inkludert LHBTI+-personer, kvinner og unge jenter.

Vi, sivilsamfunnet og organisasjonene som er oppført nedenfor, håper på et positivt svar fra Utviklingsministeren. Det vil bety alt for de millioner av mennesker som er syke, og vil gi oss en bedre og friskere verden.

På forhånd tusen takk!

LHLs internasjonale tuberkulosestiftelse



Aidsfondet (Danmark)

Aadhar NAP+ BHAUUDESHIYA Santha  Amravati

KP Yayasan Pontianak Plus

Action for Health Initiatives, Inc. (ACHIEVE)

Kushinagar welfare for people living with AIDS Society

Adhar Bahuddeshiya Sanstha

Lanka Plus

Africa Japan Forum

Lensa Sukabumi

Agra Positive People Welfare society, AGRA

Lhak-Sam, Bhutan Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS

Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF)

Life Care Society for Underprivileged (HP)


Lighthouse Social Enterprise


LKKNU Kalsel



Allahabad network for people living with HIV /AIDS society

Love Life Society

ALMA Youth Advisory Council

Malaria No More Japan



Ashar Alo Society (AAS)

Mau Positive Network of People living with HIV/AIDS Society

Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM)

MDG Achieving Organization

Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+)

Medan Plus

Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW)

Men's Health Social Service (MHSS)

Asia Pacific Transgender Network

Mithuru Mithuro Movement 

Association for Prevention of Septic Abortion, Bangladesh (BAPSA)

Moradabad Network Positive Welfare Society

Association For Promotion Sustainable Development

Nalgonda Youth positive society people living HIV/AIDS (NYPS+)

Association Of People Living With HIV (APLHIV)-Pakistan

NAPUD [Network of Asian People who Use Drugs]

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations

Nari Matree ( NM )


National Anti Tuberculosis Association of Bangladesh (NATAB)

Aye Myanmar Assoication (AMA)

National TB Network Nepal

Azamgarh positive network of people living with HIV/AIDS Society

National Transgender Network Sri Lanka


Network for chennai People Living with HIV/AIDS (NCP+)

Banaras Network for Positive People Living with HIV/AIDS Society

Network for Positive People in Trichy (NPT+)

Bandhu Social Welfare Society (Bandhu)

Network of Aurangabad By People Living with HIV


Network of Hingoli by people living with HIV Hingoli

BGMEA  TB Control Project

Network of Kolhapur by People living with HIV/AIDS

Bhilwara Network for people living with HIV/ AIDS sansthan

Network of Maharashtra by People Living with HIV/AIDS (NMP+)

Bihar Network For People Living  With HIV/AIDS Society

Network Of Parbhani Distrct By People Living With HIV/AIDS

Bikaner Network for Peoples Living With HIV Sansthan(BNP+)

Network of PLHIV(NOP+),

BKMEA TB Control Project

Network of Solapur by People living with HIV AIDS

Blue Diamond Society


Blue Star CBO


BONELA (The Botswana network on ethics law HIV AIDS)

Paribar Kallayan Samity (PKS)


Peer Review Forum

Cam Pha Blue Sea

Perambalur District Network For HIV Positive People (PDNP+)

Cambodia People living with HIV Network (CPN+)


Cambodian Women for Peace and Development


Caribbean Centre For Human Rights

Pinoy Plus Advocacy Pilipinas, Inc.

Caritas PSE


Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI)

PNG National Key Population Advocacy Consortium

Churu Network for People Living With HIV/AIDS Sansthan

Positive Action Foundation Philippines Inc. (PAFPI)

Coimbatore Network for Positive People (CNP+)

Positive Malaysian Treatment Access & Advocacy Group

Community Health and Inclusion Association (CHIAs)


Community Social Development Foundation

PPTI Balikpapan

Community Working Group on Health (CWGH)

Pratapgarh Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS

Concerned Women for Family Development  (CWFD).

Prayas Network of Positive People Welfare society (PNPP)

Congolese Children of the Future RDC

Princess of Africa Foundation

Consolation East Africa (CEA)

PT Foundation

Council of People Living with HIV AIDS of Kerala (CPK+)

Pudukkottai District HIV Positive people Welfare Society

Cuddalore District HIV Positive Society (CDS +)

Puthuvai Cluny Social Service Trust

Damien Foundation

Queer Voices of Bhutan

Deoria network for people living with AIDS Society

Rajarata Gami Pahana

Developed Country NGO Delegation to the Board of Global Fund

RDRS Bangladesh

Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM)

Resource Integration Centre (RIC)

Dharmapuri District HIV Positive Welfare Society (DDPWS+)

Results Australia

Dindigul District HIV Positive Society (DDS+)

Results Canada

Diversity And Solidarity Trust Sri Lanka

Results UK


Saburai Support Group

Drug Users Network (DUNE)

Salud por Derecho

Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity

Sanjeevan Bahu-udeshiya Samaj Seva Sanstha, Nagpur

Equal Asia Foundation

Sarthi Kalyankari Sanstha Bhandara (NBP+)

Estrela+ Timor Leste

Saviya Development Foundation

Fatayat NU Jawa

Siddharth Nagar welfare for people living with HIV/AIDS Society

Female Plus


FKPB Batang

Spirit Paramacitta

Friends Frangipani Inc-PNG

Srikandi Perintis Mandiri

Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, TB and Malaria

Stop TB Partnership Japan

Friends-International (FI)

Stop TB Partnership Kenya

Gaya Patriot Bekasi

Stop TB Partnership Promoting Parliamentary Federation

Geeta Mahila uthan ssmiti

Strategic Alliance for Research and Development


Strategic Poverty Alleviation Systems (SPAS)

Global Coalition of TB Advocates

Strumphet Alliance Network (SPAN)

Global Health Advocates

Subrang Society

Global Health Italian Network

Tamilnad Network of Positive People

Glorious Women's Linkage

Tamilnadu Positive Women Network (TPWN+)

Good Health Community Programmes

TB Community Representative

Gujarat state network of people living with HIV AIDS GSNP

Terengganu Family Planning Association


Thanjavur district network of positive people TDNP+

Hadoti Network for People Living With HIV/AIDS Samiti Kota

The Leprosy Mission International-Bangladesh (TLMI-B)

Hai Duong Belief CBO

The Sun Kien Giang

Harm Reduction International

TICAD NGO Liaison Group

Hathras positive peoples welfare society

Tilottama Voluntary Women's Organization

Health Action Coordinating Committee

Tiruvannamalai District HIV Positive Society(TDHPS+)

Health and Development Alliance (HEAD)

Trisuli Plus

Health Care Community of Positive Peoples, Ambajogai

Tuticorin District HIV Positive People Welfare Society (TDPS+)

HEED Bangladesh

United Nations Foundation

Home Coming

United to Beat Malaria

Home4Youth Association

University of Cape Town

Hope for Future Generations


Human and Natural Resose Development Foundation

Uttar Pradesh Welfare for People Living with HIV/AIDS Society

Humraz Male Health Society

Venasa Transgender Network

IAKMI Sulawesi Tenggara

Victory Plus Yogyakarta


Vietnam Community Network to Fight Tuberculosis (VCTB)

Igat Hope Inc.

Vietnam Network of People living with HIV (VNP+)

Image Social Welfare Organization

Vietnam Platform for Supporting Vulnerable Populations

IMRO -Rwanda

Virudhunagar District HIV Ullor Nala Sangam

India Working Group on Health Advocacy

Vision makers

Indonesia AIDS Coalition

WACI Health


Wahana Cita Indonesia

Jabalpur Network of people Living with HIV/ AIDS Society

Wasaib Sanwaro

Japan Advocacy Network for Drug Policy

Wonosobo Youth Center

Jaringan Indonesia Positif (JIP)

World Mission Prayer League (LAMB hospital)

Jaunpur Network for HIV positive People Living with AIDS Society

Wote Youth Development Projects CBO

JCIE/Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ)


Journalists Against AIDS ( JAAIDS)

Yash Foundation

Kalinga Network for People Living With HIV/AIDS (KNP+) Odisha

Yen Bai Violet Afternoon CBO

Kelompok Kerja Bina Sehat

YKMNU Jawa Tengah


Young Out Here Sri Lanka Trust

Khawaja Sira Society

Youth for Health Center NGO

Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (KHANA)

Youth LEAD

Khulna Mukti Seba Sangstha (KMSS)

Youth Voices Count, Inc.

Kindness Coallition

Zéro Pauvre Afrique

Korean Advocates for Global Health

Zoolooh International

KP Mahakam Plus Kaltim