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We need your help

Every year 1.8 million people die from tuberculosis, in the spite of the fact that it is a curable disease.

Tuberculosis is closely associated with poverty and poor living conditions. Due to the development of prosperity, tuberculosis is now a relatively rare disease in Norway, but worldwide 1.8 million people die from tuberculosis every year.

There are 10 million children who are orphans because of the disease.

Everyone can recover from tuberculosis, but this means that they must have access to proper treatment. Because there is so much shame associated with the disease, there are many people who do not seek help before it is too late.

Support us by donating to our bank account number: 1503 33 09462

Public education and prevention save lives

LHL International cooperates with patient organisations, health authorities and research institutes in the fight against tuberculosis. We do so, for example, through:

  • public education
  • prevention
  • follow-up of tuberculosis sufferers
  • competence development
  • research

This is how we ensure that more people seek help in time, that more people receive proper treatment and that the disease does not spread. This saves lives.

Support us by donating to our bank account number: 1503 33 09462
