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Foto: Christopher Olssøn


Every year around 200 cases of tuberculosis are diagnosed in Norway. Approximately 90 per cent of those who become ill come from countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis. It is therefore important for us to fight the disease both domestically and in the rest of the world.

In Norway, LHL International works to spread information to groups at risk and to improve the situation for tuberculosis patients.

Partners in Norway

In Norway, we have close cooperation with several organisations and relevant specialist groups. Support for the activities comes primarily from the Helbing endowment and Oslo Municipality.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) has the ultimate responsibility for tuberculosis control in Norway.

The Kaalmo Health Organisation is a Somali organisation that works to fight tuberculosis in both Norway and Somalia.

The tuberculosis coordinators are responsible for preparing a treatment plan for the patient and ensuring coordination of all steps in the course of treatment. They are also responsible for monitoring the regional occurrence of tuberculosis.

Other partners

We also cooperate with Oslo Adult Education, the Norwegian Diabetes Association, the City of Oslo, the Health Centre for Undocumented Migrants, Vestre Viken Health Trust, the Municipality of Drammen, United Somali Women and the Somali Eagle Eyed Group.

Our work in Norway

Outreaching information activities in Oslo:

Many people have little knowledge of tuberculosis. One of our most important tasks is therefore to spread information that is adapted to various target groups and their needs. In Oslo we undertake outreaching information activities among persons with a heightened risk of developing tuberculosis. We do this at immigrant introduction centres, asylum centres, and the meeting places for immigrant organisations.

We also cooperate with immigrant organisations and health personnel in Norway in developing information particularly adapted to groups at risk.

Here you can download the brochure “You can be cured of tuberculosis” in several languages.

Peer support service for tuberculosis patients:

Tuberculosis treatment is long-term and demanding. Many patients also have a difficult time because they have recently arrived in Norway and because tuberculosis is a stigmatised disease. Thus there is a great need for measures that can improve the situation of tuberculosis patients. The peer support service that LHL International provides in cooperation with health personnel is an example of such a measure.

Read more about our peer support service.

LHL International also cooperates with health personnel at hospitals and in other segments of the public health service in order to arrange services for tuberculosis patients.

Tuberculosis project in Drammen:

LHL International cooperates with the Vestre Viken Health Trust, Municipality of Drammen, United Somali Women and the Somali Eagle Eyed Group on outreaching information activities among at-risk groups in Drammen, Oslo and Akershus.

The purpose of the project is to spread knowledge of tuberculosis and create trust between the groups at risk and the Norwegian health service. We provide education about tuberculosis at relevant meeting places for immigrants, and are working on developing an information film about tuberculosis in four languages.

Study on arrival screening for tuberculosis:

LHL International has received funds from the Guldahl endowment and the Blakstad and Maarschalk Tuberculosis Fund to carry out a study of the screening that is legally required for newly arrived immigrants from countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis.

The goal of the study is to investigate how arrival screening functions and is experienced by persons encompassed by the system, and perhaps also to improve the system. The study is being carried out in cooperation with the Norwegian Public Health Institute, Chief Medical Officer for Infectious Disease Protection in Oslo, Kaalmo and the Ethiopian Association in Norway.

Goals and results in Norway

The goal of our work in Norway is for patients and population groups who are especially vulnerable to tuberculosis to receive good and appropriate information about the disease, and for them to receive patient-friendly treatment. We shall achieve this through outreaching information activities among groups at risk in Oslo and through the peer support service, among other things.

We promote user influence by having former patients and immigrant organisations actively participate in our work. With them, we engage in training and act as a spokesman in relation to specialist groups and the authorities.

Going forward, we will also cooperate with and provide training for health clinics and community nursing in several districts of the capital.

map of Norway